Monday, April 25, 2011

Day after

Today we are trying to get back on track with school.We leave tomorrow for a couple days for a Dr appointment for L so hard to get back on track when you are off track again.

Yesterday was not a typical Easter- we did do a egg hunt just for the kids here- no baskets though ( they had recieved several anyway)
Way back when we first talked about having a family we had the typical "normal" ideas of family. No one could have prepared us for a son whose disorder can control him he can't handle being around anyone.He can have moment of rages that last for hours.We don't have the actual diagnosis of Bi-polar but we are getting closer to it.
Things like a typical family get together causes so much anxiety that he is sick to his stomach aweek before it happens.
Everything we do has to be modified-something that you can't understand unless you are in it.

L is always sick - this week we start testing -hopefully we can see what or why the immune disorder.

We did take them for a hike yesterday it was nice - but even then our world leaks in.

Z started to get nervous and uncomfortable /L got wound up and wild...

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