Sunday, June 19, 2011

The R word

Anyone who knows me at all knows I hate the R word .. I hate jokes about the impaired ..Those people who are handicapped in anyway didn't ask for that life .. We can choose how we treat them .
I have added another R word Residential Treatment,on Friday Z's Dr said if we can't get the bipolar meds regulated ASAP he would suggest a Residential Treatment.... I know there is a purpose for them and I am not condemning them at all.. but I spent the weekend cursing the word.. the panic in my heart that day ,the tears in Z's eyes saying he didn't want to move out...The sadness in B's eyes wondering quietly if this would be the last Father's Day with us all in our house.

I so hate seeing what kids have to go through.. I'm grateful there are places and people to help them through things... but I still hate the idea there is a need for those R places..

Childhood should be simple --riding your bike,playing catch --ice cream on a hot summer day and hot chocolate on a cold winter day .. not Getting up each day and they remind themselves or we remind them to remember to count to 3 before they react... and all the behavior modification things we have learned..

Some people have told us we are saints for taking the kids... you know we just wanted a family to call ours .. someone to have those moments with.... We didn't sign up for being yelled at,hit and all the other things that have come our way...Of course they are our family and we will take care of them and when we have those moments of ice cream /hot chocolate we cherish them deeply

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