Saturday, September 17, 2011


I keep erasing this for a week.
Zach has had a rough few weeks we have been adjusting some of his bipolar meds and had to have him admitted to the hospital just to have a closer eye kept on things. 
This week has been full of medical updates ,school work and appointments. 
Soon we will be running up to Plymouth for Liza's immunology appointment so I can get trained on how to do the injections from home.
I never know how much to share and I don't want to sound like I am complaining either.
This is the life God chose for me and while somedays are hard I am thankful for my kids.

I read a book the other day and it talks about how special needs families need to learn how to tell friends and families what it is we need from them.It goes into how intimidating our world is and how they feel helpless and clueless on what to do for us.

I get so caught up in "running my life" that I forget that if I asked for a specific thing that maybe I could lighten my load some.

Assuming people can read  your mind just doesn't always work.

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