Monday, July 4, 2011

We have power

The last few days we have learned how to get buy without all things connected to power and must say we are very grateful for the line men who have our town up and running or at-least in the process of.
The kids and I were home alone when the tornado hit... Zach has such fears of storms I was impressed how he helped me and managed to hold it together.
It really came quick--when the TV went I turned on the radio and only got 1 station to come in and it was really broken up.. all I heard tornadic storm heading east of Lake Benton as I quietly shooed the kids to the basement I saw the green glow in the clouds and a flurry of something up the street-and patio chair slammed up against the house... The kids and I huddled under a blanket while we heard things bang and thud against the house .I thought it to be hail but when I got upstairs I saw different.First all I saw was a big branch down by the patio door- thinking ok well we gave a branch down could have been worse... then I look harder and there was power lines snapped off- trees down everywhere..the street was flooded Some loss roofs ,cars and sheds and I think I heard a house too,,
With no power it was hard to know anything except what you could see.
My cell phone wouldn't work most of the time I was able to get one text to my sister to let her know I was ok..Finally I got thru to Bruce who was coming home from Brookings and as he got closer to home he saw more and more damage.Fuel tanks on their sides,roof blown off.. he was worried about us and I about him.. it was a huge relief to hear he was parked around the corner and was on his way over walking thru the maze of power lines and trees..

He scooped us all up and just held us thanking God we were ok.
I finally got a short call to my mom who had a huge part of a tree on their only door out and the garage had fallen in on the car and everything else.But they were ok and she told me my sisters were ok. The phone line went dead.... just like God let me touch base but that was it.
I was so impressed on all the emergency personal who took time to walk the streets and make sure everyone was ok. Our little community really pulled together .. helping out . 
I still haven't been able to get to the folks ... while our clean up is minor compared to some the kids are pretty on edge and  and all the damage seems to have them both on over drive .
My parents are in good hands my sisters and other relatives have pitched in to help.
While this isn't anything you want to go thru my kids saw some really good lessons too on helping out each other in a time of need.

 In the mix of that was the power line guys working and talking back and forth on their radios. There was alot of long hard hours put in but our town is shaping up...

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